28 January 2022

McVities Blissfuls - Belgian Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut (Sainsburys) By @Cinabar

McVities Blissfuls - Belgian Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut

What is this I spy, new biscuits! I spotted these McVities Blissfuls Belgian Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut at the supermarket and grabbed them and popped them in my basket. When I got home and properly inspected them I realised that although these are biscuits there is a heavy focus on the filling, the chocolate nut filling. I also like the look of the re-sealable sharing bag for the packaging as that is kind of smart.

I gave one of the biscuits a try and these are a seriously impressive biscuit. There is so much filling it is almost like a mini pie made out of biscuit filled with a Nutella style cream. The biscuit shell gives them a lovely crunchy texture which is interesting because of the soft filling. I love nuts and chocolate, throw in biscuit and I think I may be in heaven. What an absolutely genius of a product. I may be biased because of my love of chocolate and hazelnut, but these ticked all the boxes for me. I can’t believe I made the mistake of only buying one bag of these McVities Blissfuls Belgian Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut biscuits. I need more!

McVities Blissfuls - Belgian Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut

1 comment:

zeddy said...

The caramel and chocolate ones are pretty good.