14 October 2022

Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix (Candy Mail) By @Cinabar

Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix

I recently had an online from an import shop and I couldn’t resist adding a box Swiss Miss to my order. They make hot chocolates and do themed ones like this Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix. They are instant hot chocolates but are generous with the powder and are nice and sweet. Good instant hot chocolates are hard to find, so I do like this brand, and they appeal to my sweet tooth and love of novelty.
Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix

Inside the box are double sachets, one half has chocolate powder and the other half has marshmallows. I poured the cocoa into my mug and I poured most of the mallows in too, but left a few for sprinkling on the cream topping. Now the whole box is centred around these being unicorn marshmallows and in reality they are just small bits, which is disappointing. I was hoping for them to have some shape. Not to worry, they looked pretty in the mug.

Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix

I added hot water and the cocoa dissolved super quickly. Then I decorated, and it did look smart. The flavour, too, is a blast of sweet and a lot of chocolate. It is a soothing drink and one of the few that passed the test for me in the instant section. I loved the fun nature of the drink and it is pretty with coloured specks everywhere, it looks like a party more than a unicorn. I will still smile when I make the rest of the sachets, they are good fun.

Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallow Coca Mix

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