23 September 2023

Otherworld Brewing Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer (Wee Beer Shop) by @Spectreuk

Otherworld Brewing Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer

Cranachan is a traditional Scottish Dessert, with raspberries, cream and oats, and a dram or more of whisky. It sounds pretty tasty. I haven't had it myself, and I must admit I haven't been to Scotland for many years. I'm hoping to do so at some point. By the rate of my knee rehabilitation I hope I will be able to drive up there in a year or so, with a stop or three along the way. It's taken five years of rehab so far to be able to drive for two hours solid without too much pain, so I just keep going.

I'd definitely like to try a Cranachan for dessert once I'm in Scotland. For now, this 5.5% in volume Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer, by Otherworld Brewing, will have to suffice. I am a little worried, as I have enjoyed whisky aged beer before, but not often liked raspberries in beer. Made in a whisky aged barrel, and with raspberries, oats, barley, vanilla and hops, one ingredient really stood out to me. This beer has rye in it. I love rye beer.

The can told me to expect honey and marshmallow sweetness from the whisky barrel, and tart Scottish raspberries when drinking this beer. On opening the can there was a strong sharp raspberry aroma with a touch of whisky to the reddish brown beer. There was a shredding fruity bitterness on first taste of this Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer, with a touch of creaminess from the vanilla. Then the tart raspberries and sweet alcoholic flavour of whisky snapped back at my tastebuds. There was then more fruity bitterness from the hops, a little sweetness from the malted barley and even a touch of spice from the rye into the aftertaste.

Such a complex jumble of flavours mixed together in one beer glass. Sometimes people may not only ask themselves, "can such an action be done?" for whatever it is, but if the answer is yes, they may then ask themselves, "should such an action ever be done at all?" In the case of Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer, maybe, but maybe just a little lighter on the raspberries. However, I should not get too caught up in the whys and why nots. I had my pint washing down two Jammie Wagon Wheels.

Otherworld Brewing Cranachan Raspberry & Whisky Dessert Beer

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