It seems like it has been quite a while since the last Limited Edition Cadbury’s dessert, so I was rather pleased to see these in the shops. They combines one my current favourite chocolate products, Caramel Nibbles with one of my favourite, straight from the fridge, puddings.
Caramel Nibbles are like a chocolate button, with a thin layer of caramel sitting in the middle. Each one neatly has the Cadbury logo moulded into its base too, so you know it the real thing.
Cadbury corner desserts consist of a pot of milky sweet chocolate, in a consistency of that similar to a thick sauce, and then there is always a pot of something nice to mix in. When I pulled back the lid my first thought was that I would have preferred a few more Nibbles in the pot, as there didn’t seem to be that many. The picture shows the actual amount (5 or 6), and I thought it looked like there was space for a few more in there.
When I mixed them in with the sauce, I have to say I liked the mix of textures. The caramel from the Nibbles still shone through in the flavour and made for a really enjoyable dessert. Well worth trying if you spot them, they are full of chocolaty goodness. They are sweet easy, to eat, and taste like a proper treat. It may be greed, but I’d still prefer a few more Nibbles in the pot to mix in though!
By Cinabar
Hi it is the first time to see such a dessert . It means that you eat chocolate button with caramel filling mixing with chocolate sauce??? In Japan I Just have some experience of eating chocolate dipping sauce
with some stick biscuits in a small case like that. Very curious and intriguing .(^^)
oooh i shall have to keep a look out for these, its been years since ive had a dessert like that! i used to like the rolo ones nestle did..and the milky bar desserts..they made my childhood!
Jisoo - Yes that is it exactly. Basically dipping chocolate into chocolate sauce! Naughty, but nice ;-)
Lot-o-Choc - The milky bar ones were great - you don't see many white choc puddings now. One of the supermarkets used to do a lovely white choc mousse that has since disappeared. :-(
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