Cinabar turned her nose up at these Anchovy Stuffed Olives in light brine and extra virgin oil as soon as I picked up the jar in the farm shop. That’s why I proceeded to put the jar in the basket, partly because I wanted to prove to Cinabar that they would be as good as they sounded in my head, and partly because I wanted to torture Cinabar with a weird Foodstuff Find of my own for a change. It was the second reason that made me wait a few weeks to lull Cinabar into a false sense of security. I neatly stacked some of these inconspicuous fat green olives on her plate one Sunday lunch time next to her sandwich and crisps. I remember she picked at a few of them, but I had to finish them off, which was fine by me. Personally I reveled in their juicy salty fishy oily taste. These Anchovy Stuffed Olives are perfect for olive and fish lovers. They would go well for either a light snack, or mixed in a salad, or an alternative to mushy peas with your fish and chips!
By Spectre
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