24 September 2017

ZaraMama Gourmet Popping Corn Pop-A-Cob Midnight Blue (@NLi10)

It feels like i've had this for ages.  Every social occasion we get it out, and every time we ordered too much food and no one fancies pop-corn - UNTIL NOW!

We had just enough pizza and crisps to still be able to entertain the idea of popcorn - and more importantly it's still in date!

The idea is this - you pop the corn in the microwave and it appears magically off the cob.  It's a pretty cool idea, and we certainly had high hopes.

We bagged it as instructed

And popped it in the microwave as instructed.

I think this is where our problems began - the microwave we had available isn't that large and was possibly a bit weedy.  We had to open it a couple of times to allow it to move and not scorch in places and so I don't think we had the optimum cooking experience.

And I'm not sure where the midnight blue comes in because as we all know

Popcorn is mostly white!

You get a stupidly large amount and it's as fresh as humanly possible.  The flavour was maybe a little muted due to over-cooking some but still having some partially exploded grains.  If there were a way to add some sprinkles or butter to the top of this it would have been a massive party hit - as it was it was just really good but fairly plain pop-corn that came in a spectacular fashion.

I'm sure if there were a way to watch this happen live through the haze of the microwave we'd have got a little more out of the experience, but the popcorn was generally well received by the 5 of us and a good time was had by all.

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