2 October 2019

Yorkie Chunks (Sainsburys) By @SpectreUK

No, Yorkie Chunks aren't a tragic accident that happened to a small overly hairy dog! These Yorkie Chunks are supposed to be itsy bitsy versions of the normal sized Nestle Yorkie milk chocolate bars. I must admit that I haven't had a Yorkie bar for so long that I can't even remember when my last one was. I used to eat them all the time, and then I met Cinabar and was reminded that the "men only" ad campaign at the time could be considered more than a little sexist…

… Besides other (dairy) milk chocolate bars are available. I don't eat chocolate during the day now and haven't for some time. I usually have something small and chocolatey for an after dinner treat washed down with my white hot chocolate drink. So these Yorkie Chunks could fit the bill, but then again…

On opening the packet (as you can see from the photograph) these little Yorkie Chunks look a little "rustic", as they may have banged into each other in the packet over time. They taste pretty good though. Solid milk chocolate usually does. I'd pretty much forgotten the taste of Yorkie Bars and can see why I prefer the more favoured (dairy) milk chocolate available. To me Yorkie milk chocolate doesn't have the wow factor and probably tastes a little stronger on the cocoa rather than the dairy milk I've always preferred. However, each to their own…

Information on the packet;
The 100g bag contains 129 calories per 4 chunk serving, with 7.3g of fat, 13.6g of sugar, and 0.06g of salt. Please see photograph for ingredients.

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