Starbucks selling ice coffee lattes is not a new thing, but they are usually made in store with the intention of them being drunk there and then.
This fine carton of coffee is found premade in the chilled cabinet designed to take home and have when you fancy it. As the weather is pleasant I love the concept of having an Ice Latte in the fridge ready to accompany a barbecue should a hot day allow it.
This drink is really very tasty, there is a wonderful rich, fresh coffee taste, complimented by the creamy tasting milk within it. There is a subtle hint of sweetness too and although I don’t take sugar in coffee (bet you weren't expecting that) this hint of sugar was a pleasant addition.
I have now stocked up with a couple more of these yummy drinks in the fridge, let’s just hope the sunshine shows its head again very soon.
WANT! Why do we not have these?!!!
You don't?? Thought you be much more likely to be found in America, particularly given the name.
Such a simple idea, love it!
We have bottled Frappuchino's and canned version of the Double Shot but no lattes. The packaging is also a lot cooler looking then what we have.
I had a brain wave - I'm going to buy a can of the Double Shot (never bought it before) then top it up with cold milk to make ice coffee!
We don't get the bottled Frappuchino's :-(
I was drnking these on a trip home to the UK recently and was sorely disappointed they don't have them in North America when I returned. :(
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