My sister received this for Christmas and graciously offered to make me a mug one evening. I'm not a massive fan of gingerbread itself, but decided that it'd be worth a shot as our friends at Hotel Chocolat have not steered us wrong yet. The first and most noticeable thing about this was the smell while it was being made. The kitchen filled with a wonderful cinnamon aroma and even though it's early January the house smelt like it was Christmas once again.
When the drink was finished and shared out the taste was similar to the smell, it was gently spicy and the chocolate was quite reserved and unassuming in comparison which surprised me. It's a very nice drink, but one that I don't think you'd need large quantities of to be satisfied. The whole experience seems designed to remind you of Christmas and while it’s not that chocolaty, it's certainly the most romantic hot chocolate on the market .
I'd recommend picking some of this up for the next festive period, and then popping some on whenever visitors come round, or just to get into the holiday spirit on Christmas eve. For this year though our 12 days of Christmas are up and the festive food sales bargains will begin to appear.
by NLi10
Getting stuff from the UK is usually a little expensive for me, but I've had my eyes on that Gingerbread Drinking Chocolate for quite a while.
But it sure won't last until next Christmas...
As it is a seasonal product it might even be discounted in the sale... fingers crossed
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