I do like jelly beans, I love the amazing variety of flavours and it always seems there is something new to try. This new bag is a selection called Ice Cream Parlour, five new varieties of which only three are ice cream flavours, the other two are desserts!
Chocolate Chunk - Brown - This one definitely has a chocolate taste, but it is super sweet too. Nice in that it is a sweet so you allow it a little artistic licence but not a high quality chocolate taste.
Chocolate Mint - Light Green - There was a hint of mint with this bean, but mostly it tasted cool like menthol. There was some chocolate mixed in, but it wasn't my favourite sweet.
Strawberry Sundae - Pink - The beans are certainly getting better, with a strong berry taste very much reminiscent of strawberry ice cream, yum!
Birthday Cake - Speckled White - Quite a pretty sweet this one with a mix of colours, and it is not disappointing in flavour either. It is filled with a wonderful vanilla/caramel taste and a fab baked after taste. Its just absolutely lovely and a really good bean.
Apple Pie - Beige - Although this sweet had a lot to live up to, it still managed to make me smile. It was full of sweet rich apple tones and a good dose of cinnamon too. I do love cinnamon, so it will be no surprise to hear this sweet went down rather well.
All in all I like this selection of beans, although the mint was the weakest, the apple pie and cake flavour are absolute diamonds!
By Cinabar
Typed on my IPhone due to technical difficulties with my laptop/broadband... :-(
I saw these ages ago in america apart theyre marketed as cold stone creamery, an american ice cream shop, flavours, over there. I must admit I love the apple pie flavour..and the cake batter one, im a sucker for jelly belly!
Me too - both of those are gorgeous.
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