At first I wasn't going to eat these Simmons Pork Scratchings. I'd just have a few one lunchtime and leave the rest in the garden for the cats or a passing fox. Then Cinabar found that you can store Pork Scratchings for a few weeks in an airtight container. So I figured I'd somehow police myself to estimate roughly 20g portions after nine weightlifting sessions.
The first weightlifting was today. I must admit that I was pretty good at portion control, the three largish pieces I picked from the Tupperware box were probably just over 20g, but hey, they didn't break any of my teeth so that was a good start. I must admit that my initial apprehension about eating Pork Scratchings again was completely unfounded.
Like their Pork Crackling these Simmons Pork Scratchings were perfectly seasoned for saltiness, but not too overwhelming, so I could still taste the porkiness. They had a slightly stronger crunch to them than the Pork Crackling, but still pretty much melted in my mouth. So not only do Simmons produce my favourite Pork Crackling, but they do a damn fine job with their Pork Scratchings too!
Information on the packet;
The 180g bag contains 676 calories per 100g, with 59g of fat, 0.1g of sugar, 33.5g of protein, and 0.54g of salt. Ingredients included; pork rinds, edible oil, salt, enhancer E621, and vegetable protein.
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