9 November 2021

Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer (Ocado) By @cinabar

Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer

Let me start by telling you what I don’t like or don’t get about this Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer as it seems it is a fairly long list. Firstly the link between Mr Greedy and the hot chocolate, seems a bit of a gimmick. Admittedly it is a gimmick I fell for because here we are, I bought the product. Secondly the lack of instructions on how to use the stirrer, just a tiny diagram on the folded blue card. A small point, but knowing how much hot milk to use would have been nice.

Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer

Thirdly the blue card is stapled, old fashioned staples. I heated the milk in the microwave, then next to it opened the packet and one of the staples popped off and I couldn’t find it. I had this horrible worry it was in the milk, but did eventually find it on the floor, but why would you use staples in packaging a food product. Fourthly, nuts, the topping on the hot chocolate stirrer is toffee and nuts. Nuts don’t dissolve, they are too small to add flavour but what do they add; a bittiness to the hot chocolate, unnecessary lumps in a drink.

Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer

So yes there are quite a few things I didn’t like about this Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer but what I did was the flavour of the drink. The hot chocolate is sweet and tasty and was a luxury to drink (nuts aside), but the negative aspects just bugged me too much to buy it again.

Mr Greedy Hot Chocolate Stirrer

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