10 November 2021

Steam Brew (German Craft Beer Resistance) By @SpectreUK

Steam Brew (German Craft Beer Resistance)

This Steam Brew is from the German Craft Beer Resistance. I like Steam Punk. I can see why people like to dress up in some pseudo traditional steam punk gear and get down and dirty with coal and hot with steam. I also like the sulty mysterious looking woman on the can. Maybe I'm getting old, but I have always liked steam engines and traction engines. I like the clanking noises they make, and I know it's not environmentally friendly per se, but I do like the smoke and hardiness from that era. Steam engines never fail to fascinate me.

This Steam Brew is a session IPA. At 4.9% in volume it's a pretty strong session India Pale Ale. On opening the rather tall can there was a Pils aroma mixed with the sweet pale malt. On pouring this pale golden IPA I also noticed a herbal hop aroma towards the back of the smell. On taste there was a bitter herbal hops taste to start with. I thought there was also a touch of citrus, which then mixed well with the sweet pale malts into the aftertaste.

I would say this Steam Brew is a pretty classic IPA, which fits perfectly well with the classic theming of Steam Punk. I can just see myself standing in a country pub gazing out at my traction engine in the early twentieth century after a particularly slow trundle through the countryside on a sunny afternoon.

Steam Brew (German Craft Beer Resistance)

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