29 November 2021

Wensleydale with Chocolate and Orange (Tesco) By @Cinabar

Wensleydale with Chocolate and Orange (Tesco)

I was looking at cheese in Tesco in the hope of picking up something a little different, the shop did not disappoint. I found this Tesco own brand Wensleydale with Chocolate and Orange. I had been looking for Wensleydale with fruit, but how could I resist this strange combination. Chocolate and cheese?

The cheese is actually quite small, and it is covered in wax. For those wondering the best way to open these types of cheese, I always cut the cheese in half (with the wax on) and the peel the top and bottom on the wax off, and the sides should just peel as one. I like Wensleydale cheese and it is a creamy crumbly mild cheese and always works well when paired with sweet fruit (like cranberries or apricots) I was looking forward to seeing how chocolate orange worked with it.

There were plenty of chocolate drops within the cheese, more than I had expected. I gave a piece a try and oh my, I realised I had found the perfect dessert cheese. The flavour was sweet but perhaps not quite as sweet as expected, there was cocoa and citrus and a wonderful creamy flavour from the cheese. I really enjoyed this. I’m so glad this cheese is more than just novelty and it manages to actually work even as a crazy combination. Definitely one for the Christmas cheeseboard.

Wensleydale with Chocolate and Orange (Tesco)

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