19 November 2021

Retro Corn - Strawberries and Cream Popcorn (Ocado) By @Cinabar

Retro Corn - Strawberries and Cream Popcorn

In my continued search for new and interesting popcorn to eat during film night I decided to have look and see what was available on the Ocado website, to add to my grocery order. I now have a full cupboard of popcorn and the new problem, choosing which to eat first. I reached in and picked out this bag of Retro Corn Strawberries and Cream.

The popcorn is made with the sweets Strawberries and Cream which are crushed up and used as a topping. I poured some out to munch on, and thought that there didn’t look like there was much topping on the popcorn. The crushed sweets were pale pink but sadly there wasn’t that much to see. I gave some of the Retro Corn Strawberries and Cream popcorn a try and it was mostly quite flavourless. Some of the pieces that had the pink coating were pleasant and sweet but even then still not that strong in strawberry flavour, others were milder still. The popcorn was fluffy and crunchy with a decent texture but taste-wise I needed more.

Don’t worry though I have a good selection of other popcorns to try and hopefully I’ll find the perfect bag of popcorn for movie night in.

Retro Corn - Strawberries and Cream Popcorn

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