1 December 2010

Happy Dec 1st Everyone!

Today is the start of advent calendar season! Not sure which advent calendar you have at home, but I hope it is a good one. Our friends at Dorset Cereals, wanted us to let you know about a fab competition they have running on their website, in honour of the Christmas countdown. Do have a click below if you want to have a look, and you might even be lucky enough to win a prize. ;-)


Anne said...

Thanks for the heads up! No luck today, but 23 chances left. ;-)

Wishing you a lovely December filled with winter spices and Advent goodies! :)

cinabar said...

I had a try too, no luck for me either - fingers crossed for next time! :-)

Thank you for the Advent wishes, sending some back at you too. Think we will need the warm Winter spices to get through this snowy patch! Although I don't need much of an excuse to have another mug of spicy tea ;-)