When on holiday in Wales (in Mumbles to be precise) I decided to buy some of the deli counter style chocolates that are clearly designed to be given as a gift to relatives. And seeing as it was close to mother's day probably that too. But I had these all to myself!
I was going to have a couple for me and a couple for my partner, but she only wanted one and they pointed out the box was better value and the rest is history.
The shop (called Treasure - with its own site!) was very large and nice, and contained many foodstufffinds things that I hadn't seen very often like the industrial strength marmalade and oddly a large selection of German biscuits. Unusually for the choc counter it contained a variety of things i'd never even considered trying as chocolates which is a fab find.
Inside the box we find this:
Six hand-picked chocolates! The salted Caramel (bottom right) will not be eaten by me (thankfully!).
First up was the bottom left. This is superbly decorated and the inside is the same white as the out, but has a passion fruit flavour. This was very nice, but very sweet - you'd only want one!
I'm not entirely sure what this one was - I mainly chose it due to the pretty top. It was fruity, but not overpowering. Nice, but not that memorable. I'd be happy to eat more to see if the flavour sticks this time.
This was an Orange centred chocolate. It wasn't too strong, but did taste a little artificial, more like a solid orange liquor. None of these were alcoholic chocolates, but this one did feel like they occasionally popped the same flavour into the boozy choc recipes. Nice, but not as nice as the last two.
This claims to be a mojito but is a little creamy, a little minty and a lot nice. I think that the alcohol part is overrated anyway and this was a refreshing little bite.
The Key-lime pie was probably the reason I did a double-take and picked these up. It has a metallic top (win!) and a really odd flavour (double win!) and certainly does taste of limes, but in a slightly puddingy way. I liked it, but it was more like the cordial than a fresh lime taste.
I'm betting these are not exclusive and are probably imported, so I guess you may be able to spot their distinctive tops in other shops and give them a try! If you aren't in Mumbles though, you won't be able to go in the kooky little clothes shop opposite and then wander up to the castle like we did! :)
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