14 January 2014

Choceur - Belgian Chocolate Waves: Orange (Aldi) [By @cinabar]

I've been on a recent trip to Aldi, and in amongst the groceries these chocolates caught my eye. They reminded me of an email I had about six months ago from someone asking me if I knew whether Cadbury still made Snaps, and if not did anywhere sell anything like them. At the time I couldn't think of anything similar on the market so had to reply back with a negative response. These chocolates do sort of fit the bill, and were also available in a mint edition too.
When I opened the box I was a little disappointed with the internal packaging. To make the best use of the space a giant stack of chocolate slithers would have been heaven, instead there was a tray which held three stacks of smaller chocolate waves. It did feel a bit spaced out, the box is quite large considering the contents.
Each of the chocolates consist of a flat oval of chocolate, slightly curved in the middle. Pressed into each one are crunchy bits of rice crispies, and there is a lovely aroma of orange.
The chocolate pretty much worked as a one bite sort of treat. The initial impact is orange, then the sweet milky tones of the chocolate kick in and the two flavours work nicely together. Sweet citrus and cocoa were made for each other. The rice crispies add a light crunch and give the chocolates a bit of substance. They quickly melt in the mouth and you find yourself reaching for another. The orange variety certainly make a good snacking chocolate, but I can imagine the mint would do well after a meal with coffee. I'm certainly going to pick up a box to try next time I'm in Aldi.
By cinabar

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