Eat Lots Of Fruit
This was easy for me. Plenty of berries, loads of stone fruit (plums and such), avocados (are they fruit - they must be), and then even more berries. I basically replaced all my snacks with fruit.
Eat Mostly Raw Fresh Food
Health = Nutrients per Calorie. Maximising this is the secret to healthfulness! (Apparently)
This is what lunch looks like. This has been the most simple and effective change to do. Get a £2 Tesco salad bowl - add nuts, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar. Takes a while to eat, but worth it. Full all afternoon. Granted I think the salad bowl was designed for two, but frankly it's about the right size.
Things I Failed On
Treats and things like meat are supposed to be rare and appropriate. For me this became far too regular - I wanted to eat out and eat well but it was just impossible. Festivals were all pies and noodles - and when the events are pre catered you can't do much about that.
I managed to switch breakfasts to soy milk and porridge with fruit on which was very successful, but by the end of the weeks I was back on the cornflakes (plain ones) for speed.
Evening meals were awkward due to cooking for two, but apart from adding non whole meal grain I largely stuck to it.
Im amazed it worked as well as it did to be honest, but I think that if I'd stuck to it fully I'd have done even better. I'd have had to up the veg I ate to get to the calories I need though!
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