28 May 2019

Starburst Fruit Chews Minis Unwrapped (Poundland) By @Cinabar

So following on from yesterday’s post about Jameson’s Peppermint and Coconut Ruffles, this was the other Foodstuff Finds I made in Poundland, these Starburst Fruit Chews Minis Unwrapped. You say Starburst I will always hear Opal Fruits, because I’m old. :-D
Anyway this new product is in the popular grab bag format, so it is easy to share. When I realised that the sweets were unwrapped I did worry a little, who hasn’t struggled to get the paper wrappers off some of the full full size Starburst sweets, especially if they have been exposed to the warmer weather. I was half expecting the bag to have its contents stuck together in one big lump, but thankfully it did not.
There are four varieties in the pack and I decided to start with the pink one, strawberry. Now the flavour was very familiar sweet and strong in taste but the texture was tougher and chewier than normal Starbursts. The flavour was still zingy, but some of the “mouth watering” feeling was gone. It was the same with the other flavours. The blackcurrant variety was sharp, the orange sweet and very much full of citrus tang, as was the lemon and lime which was very refreshing. All the flavours were good and enjoyable, I just didn’t get on with the texture. They reminded me of the no shell Skittles which are also available in Poundland in grab bags, they too were chewy and a little hard. Think I’d rather be treating myself to a pack of the real things over these, the full size are pretty easy to share too.

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