17 January 2021

Biscolata Mood - Bigger Biscuits with a horoscope built in! (@NLi10)

 We've talked about this brand Biscolata twice before - about a year apart.  Each time they add a little twist to the formula and I have an excuse to talk about them again.

Of course I never need an excuser to buy them

They are a bit international in their packaging - but all the horoscopes are in Polish!

And there are loads

Thankfully the biscuits can be enjoyed by all - and you get a decent amount - enough to share - and they are bigger thane the original version so the centres are more liquid.

And they are really clearly labelled so lets see what's in store for me

via the magic of Google Lens

So - a romantic prize awaits me & every day is a new reward!

Well - I guess that the prizes are mainly more snacks that come from this very tub.  Full of flavour, great crunchy biscuits and lovely smooth fillings.  Always a hit.


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, it's not Polish. It is most likely German by the look of the alphabets, I ain't an experts of German but that is a possibility.

cinabar said...

It isn't German... I think it is Turkish.