Recently I have been involved in the most amazing candy swap with Gigi Reviews over in The States, we have both sent a stash of goodies to each other in order to compare and share items from different countries. I explained to Gigi that the thing that bugs me most about the British market is the complete lack of peanut butter chocolate bars, and oh my she has sent some fine examples for me to try.
I decided to write first about this Reese’s Fast Break, it was chosen a little at random, mainly because she sent me so many lovely things it was hard to pick where to start. Fear not though, I shall be making my way through them and letting you all know how I get on.
Strangely in the UK ‘Break’ in a product title tends to mean the literal break and the item usually has some sort of crisp biscuit. This is not the case for this bar, as its contents are actually quite soft and made with nougat. In fact the bar is ever so slightly chewy where the nougat is, but soft for the peanut butter layer. I absolutely loved all the different textures in this bar, it made it a pleasure to eat. The peanut butter has such a wonderful salty nutty taste, and goes perfectly with the chocolate, this was one amazing bar and I loved every bite. Regular readers will know me as a bit of a Milka fan girl, I think I have to add Reese’s fan girl into that basket too. If this bar is anything to go by, I’m going to love trying all the other wonderful choccies, thanks Gigi. :-)
It is so hard to find peanut butter treats in the UK too... we had a limited edition kit kat with peanut butter but it was discontinued sharpish, far to adventurous for the british market :-(
At least you get all the great kit kats flavours in Japan!
Thanks for visisting :-)
Wow! I love reeses products! I want one!
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