We have all tried ridged crisps before, but these are something a bit special. I have never seen anything quite like these new crisps from Walkers before. The word ridges doesn’t even do them justice, these are more mountains than ridges! When I first saw the illustration on the bag, I thought the picture might be exaggerating them, but no, these are seriously crinkled crisps!
The thing about ridges is that they add texture and flavour as the seasoning accumulates in the folds giving them a bit of something extra. I can assure you these are full flavour!
There are actually a couple of other new flavours, but it was the Flame Grilled Steak that was first to catch my eye. I popped one of the super ridged crisps in my mouth and munched away. The texture is awesome, they feel substantial, aren’t too thick, but really do feel satisfying to eat. I loved the crazy texture from the ridges, and they were an absolute pleasure to eat. Perfect munching material.
The taste was just as impressive, the rich beef flavour added a wonderful meatiness, and the smoky edge topped them off perfectly. The flavour was so full it almost tasted juicy, and you could really picture a huge steak on the barbecue, cooked to perfection. The after-taste delivered just a hint of onions that crept in, and made you want to have another crisp.
As beef flavoured crinkle crisps go, these are just about the best thing ever! As for the new deep ridges, well they are pure genius! I can't wait to try the other flavours, I'm loving these new crisps.
By Cinabar
I've recently tried a knock-off of these that wasn't half bad, as my semi-local online expat grocers doesn't have these yet.
It's still mystifying how these food scientists come up with convincing beefy flavours from a shelf full of their scientific potions.
Remembering the 'OXO incident' of a year or two ago, where apparently three or four vociferous letter writers with no'else better to do thought differently. I'd be hard-pressed to taste the difference, although it's been two decades since I've eaten meat.
It wouldn't surprise me one jot if these food magicians reward themselves with a spirited game of Quidditch every time they come up with a new animal product-alike.
Go on lads, you've earned it! Lol!
On that note - I honestly couldn't believe that most of the pot noodles were vegetarian, including some of the ones with names like 'beef flavour'. Eaten them numerous times without realising.
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