Ah - dried fruit. The very grown-up snack. Both healthy and full of great flavour at the same time.
This little bag seemed to barely contain anything. It probably represented the concentrated remains of a couple of apples easily though and all the juice seemed to still be there. I remember taking a bag into school once and people mocking my strange choice of snack, until they had tried some that is. Apple is a universally loved flavour and is probably written into the DNA of the British at some fundamental level. This is seen no where more than in our love for cider.
Sainsbury's have wisely not opted to make a cider breakfast cereal (although if you ran out of milk...), instead taking the contents of that little bag of apple and chucking it into a wholegrain granola kind of affair. As the box states it's a 'crisp' and so they have chosen softer bits of fruit which works well. Apple and milk may not be to everyones taste, but it's nicely refreshing and the apple flavour lingers on nicely.
I like it when supermarkets but a bit of effort into their own brand stuff. It's like they feel the need to compete with Marks & Spencer's and Waitrose and produce something just different enough to make you go 'lets go to Sainsbury's this week so that we can get that apple cereal your dad likes' and in this case it's paid off. While it's not a staple eat-every-day affair, on these decently warm summer mornings it hits the spot and future special trips are assured.
By NLi10
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