13 October 2012

Ebulum – Elderberry Black Ale (Westmorland Service Station) [By @SpectreUK]

Elderberry Black Ale was first introduced to Scotland by Welsh Druids in the 9th Century, who used to pass it around the villages during Celtic Autumn festivals. Elderberries are high in fruit oils and have an oily or soupy texture. Containing these fruit oils and also tannins, elderberries were used for natural remedies to help cure sciatica, neuralgia, influenza, and rheumatism. Brewed by Williams Brothers Brewing Company, in Alloa, Scotland, this Ebulum Black Ale came from a 16th Century Scottish Highland recipe. This black ale was 6.5% volume and served in a 330ml bottle. The ale’s ingredients included; malted bree, elderberries, roasted oats, barley, hops, and bog myrtle, which is a sweet smelling herb native to Scotland. There was a strong full bodied fruity, roasted oat and malt smell on opening this ale. This black ale had a porter feel and flavour to it with a roasted oat and malt initial taste followed by a bitter hoppy bite with fruity undertones, which moved to a fruity malt aftertaste and a very mild hint of elderberries. This was a heavy warming ale that would go well with a roast dinner, a hot meat pie or a hearty stew and dumplings. This ale started with the heavy filling feel I usually receive from a good stout, followed by the bitter bite of winter and smooth comfort of the home in front of the fire. I would definitely have this again; I just need to find some firewood in the local forest and a Cottage Pie from somewhere...
By Spectre

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