22 February 2013

Ben & Jerry's Core - Berry White (Asda) [by @NLi10]

We ran a mini Ben & Jerry's promotion a while back called Capture Euphoria which resulted in us getting a few vouchers to be able to try out and review the new varieties of the Core range.

This one is Berry White, which has white one one side, red on the other and a brown core.

The white ice-cream has tiny hidden shards of white chocolate embedded within. This is probably my favourite bit of the experience, the texture changes. I think that all the ben and jerry things have odd textures and make it a little more exciting.

Next up was the pinky-red ice-cream which was a Raspberry and again had little bits of fruit to excite the senses. More lovely taste sensations.

THe core was odd. It's kind of a sorbet, but has an almost gritty feel to it. This is again quite nice as it's a big contrast to the ice-cream itself and begs to be dug into.

We slowly worked our way down the tub and both enjoyed it immensely. I'd rather have a tiny tub of something quality like this than a bigger tub of something unexciting. More flavours to follow!


Lot-O-Choc said...

Yum having tried this and the doughble whammny i have to say i was more of a fan of this one; just the karamel sutra left to try now!

Katie said...

This was the first of the core range I tried and probably my favourite as far as the two ice cream flavours went. I wasn't a fan of the core though :(

NLi10 said...

This one still wins for me!

cinabar said...

My fave's the peanut butter one - yum!