26 August 2021

Welsh Brew - Murroughs Premium Tea (@NLi10)

I love a good hotel cup of tea - and when we got to the Manor Hotel, Crickhowel we  found these waiting for us.  Welsh Breakfast tea!

(note one stray PG hiding in background)

This is great because not only does it support local brands, it also is tuned to the local water supply (although Birmingham's water comes from Wales thinking about it so maybe I should have picked some up for here!)

It's even written out in local on the back - Welsh is great but I don't think i'll ever remember what all the sounds are!

And they even tell you how to make tea in case any American tourists find a bag.

And it looks like tea - and complements the view nicely.  It tasted a little too strong for my liking in the room - but that appeared to be down to the little UHT milks as the PG was similar.  The ones we had at breakfast were the same brand and worked really well.  More like a Yorkshire than a PG if that makes any sense.

I didn't make any special efforts to do the supermarket raid, but maybe we can pop back to Wales as restrictions ease and spend some time in the valleys again.

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