27 May 2023

Izaak Walton - Largemouth Bass Beer (Moddershall Oaks @ModdershallOaks) By @SpectreUK

Izaak Walton - Largemouth Bass (Moddershall Oaks)

Moddershall Oaks is a spa hotel just outside of Stafford in the UK. We've been there once before, and decided to spend another night there earlier this week. It's a really good place to relax and indulge. There was an Indian Head Massage in with the deal for the overnight stay.

We used to go to another spa hotel nearby, but it's prices went up, and you couldn't go into the spa area until the next day after staying the first night. As soon as we get to a place, we prefer to go straight into the spa area to relax, rather than have dinner and wait for the next day.

Moddershall Oaks

For dinner I decided to have what I had the first time I went to Moddershall Oaks a couple of months ago. I know that's not very adventurous, but fillet steak and chips, with sticky toffee pudding for afters is a big favourite of mine, especially as it was the best sticky toffee pudding I've ever tasted, and the main meal was gorgeous too.

Moddershall Oaks

To wash my meal down I decided to have this Largemouth Bass. At 3.9% in volume it was brewed by the Izaak Walton Brewhouse. Golden straw coloured, this ale was brewed with Marris Otter malt and Fuggles hops. It was described on the bottle as having a "distinctive and assertive character, with a fruity finish".

Spicy food and burgers were suggested to eat with this ale. I reckoned my steak and blue cheese sauce wasn't too far away from a burger, so I tucked in and then went for a swig. On first taste I found there was the sweetness of the malts to start with, followed by quite a crisp bite from the herbal hops, and a biscuity fruity finish. This Largemouth Bass went perfectly with my meal. We really enjoyed our relaxing stay at Moddershall Oaks, and look forward to going again for my birthday in July.

Moddershall Oaks

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