9 April 2009

Credit Crunch [Dark] Hokey Pokey Fun by Laura Santini (Selfridges)

It is nice to see that somebody is using the current financial problems to come up with an innovative product name! I like the text on the wrapper too; “A different kind of sticky situation”.
The product itself isn’t that innovative though, it is actually a childhood favourite of mine, cinder toffee but coated in dark chocolate. For those that don’t know what cinder toffee is, it is the stuff they put in Crunchie bars and I think some call it Hokey Pokey too, as that get a mention on the packet.
Firstly I was a bit taken aback by the great quality of the chocolate coating on this item, as I had naively thought it would be of cooking chocolate. I was very wrong; the chocolate has a wonderful silky rich taste and a good cocoa content too. The dark chocolate works well with the sweet contents, and left me very impressed as the flavours mingled so well. The addition of the dark chocolate coating changes the product from being just a fun novelty to also being a quality gift too.


Derval said...

We made this in Science class in school :)


* 5 tablespoons Sugar
* 2 tablespoons Golden Syrup or Honey
* 2 teaspoons of water
* 1 tablespoon Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

[edit] Steps

1. Put sugar and golden syrup or honey into the saucepan!
2. Melt over medium heat, bring them to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
3. Once the mixture is caramelized (it should turn brown), remove it from the heat.
4. Mix water and sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) and stir very quickly and add to the sugar mixture.
5. Watch it turn into a huge orange crunchy foam.
6. Pour it out into a greased dish and wait for it to cool.
7. Eat quickly. This treat should be eaten within a day, because natural moisture in the air will make it melt and turn sticky.

cinabar said...

Wow!!! Thank you so much for the recipe, that is fantastic!

I will have to give it a go and post about how I get on!