19 April 2009

Beer Chips (Selfridges)

This is another of those products that had packaging that has nice humour, for example “only tested on humans” is written on the front, and on the back there are instructions on how to eat crisps. You may notice from the title /packaging that these are called ‘chips’ and this is as they are an American product found in the rather wonderful food hall in Selfridges (I would happily move in should they ask).
Anyway, despite the fact that this feels like an obvious flavour for crisps, I don’t think I have ever seen it before. These crisps have a firm crunch, not as strong as a Kettle Chip, if anything more like the texture of Red Sky. The flavour is very moreish and pleasant, a nice mix of beer, salt and yeasty taste. Well worth seeking out!


Katie said...

oooh yum... could have these with a nice pint of beer!

Emily said...

Like that they aren't as crunchy as Kettle Chips. Sometimes I find them a bit too crunchy, like that have been overcooked. I also happily move into Selfridges Food Hall. Do you reckon they'd let us. I wouldn't cause THAT much trouble!

lindsay said...

oo yes ive had these! only once, i dont exactly remember them though. just that they were good :) im seeing my sister this coming weekend and this is definately something she'd like, ought to pick up a bag!

cinabar said...

Katie - My boyf had some with beer and said they worked a treat!

Emily - I'm sure they'd barely notice we'd been... so long as they don't mind us taking doggy bags... (doggy suitcases?) :-D

Lindsay - I can't believe other makes don't do beer crisps, it is such a good idea!

Actually - if anyone knows of any other companies that produce beer crisps, please let me know and I will hunt them down and try them out!

lindsay said...

kettle chips does a "cheddar beer flavor" (atleast in the US). Not the same, but is the only other beer-ish chip I've seen.

cinabar said...

Cheese and beer? Wow, thats very different! I can't tell if it would work or not, but I'd certainly like to try it!