27 April 2009

Kettle Chips – Roasted Tomato and Basil (Sainsbury’s)

There is some sunshine outside, Easter is over and cue a rather fantastic new wave of products. Kettle Chips' new seasonal flavour is Roasted Tomato and Basil. It is nice to see them trying something more interesting than their previous ‘new’ flavour of cheese and onion. Don’t get me wrong, the cheese and onion variety were tasty, but not adventurous. Tomato and Basil does feel more like summer to me. There is something about these Mediterranean flavours that just make you think of sunny long days.
The crunch is as ever with Kettle Chips good and strong, and they feel quite satisfying to crunch. The tomato flavour is sweet and wholesome, that blends well with the addition of Basil. The crisps themselves are full of flavour and have a nice slightly salty edge that works well with the crisps. A very nice pack and definitely one to seek out.


Emily said...

Yum. I do love Kettle chips and this flavour sounds summery and appealing. Perfect for a picnic maybe?

Emily said...

Hi Cinabar!
I am up for a blogging award. Will you vote for me? It's at http://www.dorsetcereals.co.uk/little-blog-awards/nomination/247
Thanks! Really appreciate it!

cinabar said...

So long as the weather holds out, this would be ideal for a picnic.
PS I voted for your blog - good luck!

Emily said...

You are a star!
Thanks so much. Look forward to reading more new product reviews