Only last week did I write about Cadbury’s Nibbles (i.e. Buttons filled with caramel), and I had a comment left from Paulham hoping for a Galaxy version. These chocolates are a fair bit chunkier than the Nibbles, but I think this might just be what he was after.
Each chocolate consists of a dollop of Galaxy caramel enrobed in Galaxy chocolate, individually wrapped in foil, with a message inside the wrapper. The outer packaging is a cardboard ‘bag’ with a tear to open strip, which is a little bit different and a nice contrast to the usual plastic grab bags of sweets.
I liked the touch of having a message in the wrapper, it made them into feel good chocolate Fortune Cookies. The messages were all quite sweet and ranged from highlighting the importance of smiling through to enjoying the indulgence of the chocolate itself.
The chocolates are indulgent too, the caramel is rich and sweet and the chocolate is the expected silky Galaxy. They are an absolutely lovely product and I like individually unwrapping each one, biting through the chocolate, hearing it crack and then allowing the chocolate and caramel to mix in the mouth. Yummy.
Have you seen the price!!!???
I'll buy a Gakaxy Caramel bar that is on special at £1 most retailers, thank you very much. ;)
LOL - but does a Galaxy bar give you a sweet little feel good message in the wrapper... :-D
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