Wow these crisps are hard to find. I even looked during a trip to Wales! Thankfully I have managed to source myself some thanks to the nice people at Walkers, and there are some spare bags too, so there is a competition at the end of this post!
The crisps themselves are Welsh Rarebit flavour, and therefore effectively cheese on toast (with optional splash of Worcestershire Sauce). Regular readers will know about my love of cheese on toast, and so I was looking forward to these.
Opening the bag I smelt that standard ‘cheese’ flavour you would expect from crisps, much like the aroma of a packet of Quavers for example. The taste was a fair bit stronger though, the cheese has a rather mature edge, and a slightly salty after taste. Disappointingly there wasn’t that grilled cheese flavour, or indeed evidence of toast, just a strong cheese taste. I like strong cheese and do enjoy Camembert, and I found that they grew on me the more I ate, but tried them on a couple of fellow tasters and got very different reactions. I decided to take some of the crisps into work to get a rounded opinion, and I have to say there too they fitted into the Marmite category, with some people totally unimpressed and other really liking them. Anyone else managed to track any down? What did you think?
If you do want to try these or the other hard to find Irish Stew flavour Walkers crisps– simply send an email to: with the subject line Comp
With two things in the email:
1) Tell me something you think we should feature on the site, i.e. anything you’d want the team here at Foodstuff Finds to write about.
2) Let me know which of the two flavours of Walkers you’d prefer to try.
• Any personal data will only be used for processing of this competition.
• The winner will be chosen at random.
• UK residents only.
• Competition closes 7pm on Friday 16th July 2010.
• If I can’t get in touch with the winner in a reasonable amount of time to obtain an address another winner will be selected.
• If you have any questions about this competition, please send me an email or leave a comment below.
• There is a separate competition being held at Twitter @cinabar please feel free to enter both.
1 comment:
Oh that's a hard one, I won't enter the competition since you already sent me some.
I like seeing the stuff I used to eat being brought out again, just wish they'd bring back Creamola foam.
I suppose you could do new chain restaurant products, I'm not keen on McDs or BK though myself.
Possibly local produce would be good, small businesses that make things like cheese, meat etc
Chip shops, always interesting when you see something odd at a chip shop.
Damn it 2 hours till lunch.
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