Working our way through the new Comic Relief Walkers flavours, we now have Jimmy Carrs’s contribution of a Chilli Con Carne variety. I was quite excited about these because their flavour is a little more unique than the others. Although I have tried quite a few chilli crisps, these are the first chilli con carne ones.
Opening the pack, the aroma was very pleasant and appealing, with a good hint of spice and Mexican flavours. These crisp were indeed very different to regular chilli crisps, and had a much bigger depth of flavour. In fact the flavour is surprisingly different, tasting rather like a vegetarian chilli con carne. The was definitely a good hint of chilli, which left the mouth with a decent warmth, but the other flavours of beans, vegetables, tomato and paprika complemented it really well. Sadly there wasn’t much of a beef or meat taste mixed in, but the other flavours made for a very nice packet of crisps. These are my favourite so far out of all the new varities, as they are just so munchable and tasty. I still have Stephen Fry’s Full English left to try, but these Jimmy Con Carrne crisps have set the standard very high.
I tried the Stephen Fry Up ones. They were a bit disgusting. Very eggy, with a bit of bacon thrown in. But the egg mostly. Not in a good way.
I didn't like the egg in the Builder Breakfast flavour they had last year, so the Fry Up ones appeal the least... fingers crossed they are better than i think.
I tried these a while ago and was pleasently surpised I have to say! I expected them to be more or less your usual chilly flavour. So it was rather nice to find very clear hints of beans as well. The taste actually did remind me of what it said on the bag! problem is, I have been seriously graving some of the real stuff! Must make myself some soonish!
I have also tried the Fry Up flavour. They do have an eggy taste. Overall the flavour kept reminding me of beans on toast with fried egg - intersting but nothing I need to eat rgularly in the form of crisps *g*
Ive still got a bag of these unopened.
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