After hearing about this bar making a comeback I have been asking in my local branch of WH Smiths daily to see if they had any news on when it would be available. I then happen to do my weekly shop in Sainsbury’s, and there these bars were. They were just sitting on the shelf next to all the other chocolate bars, no big promotion, just a rather shiny wrapper. Obviously I picked up a stash, as it is only available for ‘a limited time’, and it’s best to be cautious!
I love the pretty shiny wrapper, and peeling it back, there was a gorgeous smell of caramel and chocolate. Okay, it is official, this bar is dangerous. The caramel section takes up nearly half of the bar, and is liquid and gooey. As you bite in, take care as the runny caramel may well try to attack. The taste is perfect though, this is proper full flavour rich, buttery caramel brilliance. This is in conjunction with a base of bubbly Wispa chocolate. The textures in this bar are just gorgeous, the outer layer of chocolate cracks to the smooth liquid caramel, and then the aerated chocolate is both chunky, but lovely and easy to bite through. Everything screams chocolate heaven about this bar, I just loved it. Perfect caramel, perfect chocolate, perfect combination of flavours. Hope I bought enough of them!
After my lack of enthusiasm for KitKat Caramel, this just goes to show how the simpler flavours can be put together to make a bar that I really can get excited about.
Lots of "perfect" statements in that post and how right you are, the bar is indeed great and a perfect mix of lovely chocolate and the required amount of caramel, basically not too much. Only bought one as didn't think I'd be too keen, how wrong I was. Back to Sainsbury's tomorrow for me. Can see these selling well and being around for a while. I hope.
OK, that sounds AMAZING!
Ah loved reading that. Nice bit of humour is always appreciated :)
DavidH - I just loved the bar, it is really well balanced!
Katie - it is!!! Seriously good!
Dreich - I can but try... ;-)
An old favourite returns, eh, cinabar?
You know what I am hoping for? Yes, you do!
I would also like a Galaxy Ripple with caramel running through the middle.
Had a bite of Sam's. Nicer than I thought and I'm no fan of caramel!
Rolos are the right size for me.
Special edition bars that need to happen? Bounty with little bits of lime in the coconut!
nicster09 - glad you found the blog! ;-) Love having new readers! I think a whole box is a reasonable purchase, especially as the sell by dates are next year... plenty of time!
Paulham - Galaxy Ripple Caramel - now that could work!
Nli10 - How about a Bounty with a hint of cherry? If so Cherry Ripe might appeal:
Me and Liam just had one each, Like you say a perfect balance of flavours and textures!
I just had another... oops... but they are so yummy!
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