The Irish readers among you will have worked out that these aren’t a new product as such, but they are new to me! I was first aware of them after I wrote about the Oriental style biscuits that have launched recently with the same name - Mikado. When I bought the Tiffin bars from the ‘TheIrishShop’ I took the opportunity to purchase some of these biscuits too.
First thing is first, they are very pretty biscuits, and deserve to be served somewhere special like a children’s birthday party. The biscuits each have two lines of marshmallow on them, topped with coconut, and red jam. The biscuit layer on the bottom was surprisingly soft, and made these very easy to eat. I really liked the mallow, coconut and jam flavours blending together. Although quite sweet I thoroughly enjoyed them!
Goodness!! That takes me back. I remember these from when I was little (i'm not Irish) but I'm sure they had a different name. Loved them!!!
Several people have said to me that they remember these from days gone by too.
Anybody know what other name they went by? Or was it Mikado?
Damn it - it'll come to me.
Kwik Save used to sell these and it's great to peel the mallow off them.
Not sure it was a brand, just a biscuit sounding name.
Will have them, all I can find is the other KwikSave stalwart, Pink Wafers.
Thanks for the link, it proved a good place to search. :-)
Half way down - but it is the same Irish Mikado. One of the people commenting says there is an Australian biscuit that is similar called the Iced Vo-Vo.
Ah it was me who told you about them! and coincidentally I tried the other stick style Mikado last week when I got them in Stansted :)
What other goodies did you get from Irishshop? I got 2 English girls in Dublin airport to try a Moro bar.
I remember these too, dont know what they were called. You can sometimes buy them on the cheap biscuit stall on Leeds market.
Derval - I got some Cadburys Caramello, Oatfield Clove Drops (which didn't go down well at work!), Silvermints and some Tayto crisps. I must try the Caramello, can't believe I haven't openned it yet!
Katie - I can't find these biscuits anywhere... but my search has found some strange items:
Ugh, definitely a dud choice of sweets, yuck, the Emerald caramels are prob the nicest from that company. But I hope your enjoy your Tayto, try them in a crisp sandwich, delicious!
I found em on the market today... Bobby's mini mallows that's what I remember them as. 2 packs for a quid.
Derval - my work still think I took in 'joke' sweet with the Clove drops... after the Hersheys incident which my work lot described as tasting like 'chocolate with a hint of nappies' it is a wonder that anyone touches my sweetie bowl anymore! I am pleased to report the Tayto crisps are really nice, I had some of the prawn cocktail flavour today - yummy. Must try them in a crisp sandwich!
Katie - oh my, can't believe you found the biscuits!!!Thank you so much for looking out for them! I will have to tell everyone tomorrow at work that they are Bobby's Mini Mallows... this piece of information may go some way to making up for the Clove drops (see above)! :-D
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